December 16, 2022
3 Ways to Increase Engagement for Your Newsletter
News and Commentary,Business,Email
Despite all the available avenues marketers have for selling, newsletters are still the best channel for speaking directly to your customers. The benefits of email campaigns are clear. You don't have to worry about platform limitations or appeasing…
August 18, 2022
Direct Marketing that Gets Results
News and Commentary,Data,Appending,Email,Resources
What would you do with a custom list of prospects and the best quality data for reaching them directly? For a limited time, Accurate Append is offering free custom direct marketing list-building services with the purchase of phone or email data. You…
March 29, 2019
Reputation & Read Rate Roundup
In just the last few weeks, perhaps because we’re jumping into new political and marketing campaign seasons, a few articles have popped up on read and response rate. One common denominator in rate enhancement is the maintenance of a good sender…
August 20, 2014
Just How Safe is Your Email… Really?
With recent data breaches, including the Russian hacking of 1.2 billion user name and password combinations and 500 million email addresses, consumers are concerned about their privacy and protection. Which raises the question how safe is your own…